Given that this president has had to deal with a global economic meltdown; the imminent collapse of major U.S. industries; the bleeding of millions of jobs; 2 ongoing wars; uprisings and protests in Iran, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Bahrain and Libya; several massive international environmental disasters, especially the massive earthquake in Haiti and the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear catastrophe in Japan; catastrophic disasters at home as hurricanes and floods literally took out entire towns all over the South and Mid-West; several terrorist attack attempts here in the U.S., not to mention the bitter fight the Republicans have waged against him every step of the way, it's amazing that anything got done in this country, let alone the sheer magnitude of what we did accomplish.
In fact, Alan Brinkley, a historian at New York’s Columbia University, had this to say about its massive successes: "This is probably the most productive session of Congress since at least the '60s. It’s all the more impressive given how polarized the Congress has been."
See for yourself, what is only a partial list of nearly 400 pieces of legislation that became law out of the 111th Congress:
- January 29, 2009: Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
- February 4, 2009: Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act
- February 17, 2009: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- March 30, 2009: Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009
- April 21, 2009: Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
- May 20, 2009: Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
- May 20, 2009: Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009
- May 22, 2009: Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act of 2009
- May 22, 2009: Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009
- June 22, 2009: Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act
- June 30, 2009: Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2009
- August 6, 2009: Cash For Clunkers Extension Act
- October 19, 2009: Foreign Evidence Request Efficiency Act of 2009
- October 22, 2009: Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act
- October 28, 2009: Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act
- October 30, 2009: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act
- November 6, 2009: Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009
- November 11, 2009: Military Spouses Residency Relief Act
- December 15, 2009: No Social Security Benefits for Prisoners Act of 2009
- December 22, 2009: Human Rights Enforcement Act of 2009
- January 27, 2010: Emergency Aid to American Survivors of Haiti Earthquake Act
- February 16, 2010: Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act
- February 27, 2010: Social Security Disability Applicants' Access to Professional Representation Act of 2010
- March 4, 2010: Travel Promotion Act
- March 18, 2010: Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE Act)
- March 18, 2010: Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2009 (Division B) Reestablished "pay-as-you-go"
- March 23, 2010: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
- March 30, 2010: Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
- March 31, 2010: Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act of 2009
- April 7, 2010 Prevent Deceptive Census Look Alike Mailings Act
- May 5, 2010: Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010
- May 17, 2010: Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act
- May 24, 2010: Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009
- May 27, 2010: Federal Judiciary Administrative Improvements Act of 2010
- June 9, 2010: Special Agent Samuel Hicks Families of Fallen Heroes Act
- June 25, 2010: Preservation of Access to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries and Pension Relief Act of 2010
- July 1, 2010: Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010
- July 2, 2010: Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act of 2010
- July 7, 2010: Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Products Act
- July 21, 2010: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
- July 22, 2010: Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010
- July 27, 2010: Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2010
- August 3, 2010: Fair Sentencing Act of 2010
- August 10, 2010: SPEECH Act of 2010
- August 10, 2010: Cell Phone Contraband Act of 2010
- August 11, 2010: United States Manufacturing Enhancement Act of 2010
- September 27, 2010: Mandatory Price Reporting Act of 2010
- September 27, 2010: Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010
- September 30, 2010: First Responder Anti-Terrorism Training Resources Act
- September 30, 2010: Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2010
- October 7, 2010: Reducing Over-Classification Act
- October 7, 2010: Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010
- October 8, 2010: Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Reauthorization Act of 2010
- October 7, 2010: Security Cooperation Act of 2010
- October 12, 2010: Redundancy Elimination and Enhanced Performance for Preparedness Grants Act
- October 12, 2010: Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act Improvements Act of 2010
- October 12, 2010: Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010
- October 13, 2010: Plain Writing Act of 2010
- October 13, 2010: Veterans' Benefits Act of 2010
- October 15, 2010: United States Secret Service Uniformed Division Modernization Act of 2010
- October 30, 2010: International Adoption Simplification Act
- December 9, 2010: Telework Enhancement Act of 2010
- December 9, 2010: Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act of 2010
- December 13, 2010: Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010
- December 14, 2010: Asian Carp Prevention and Control Act
- December 15, 2010: CALM Act*
- December 17, 2010: Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010
- December 18, 2010: Truth in Fur Labeling Act of 2010
- December 18, 2010: Social Security Number Protection Act of 2010
- December 20, 2010: CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010
- December 22, 2010: Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010
- December 22, 2010: Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010
- December 22, 2010: Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009
- December 22, 2010: FOR VETS Act of 2010
- December 22, 2010: Preserving Foreign Criminal Assets for Forfeiture Act of 2010
- December 29, 2010: Omnibus Trade Act of 2010
- December 29, 2010 Helping Heroes Keep Their Homes Act of 2010
- January 4, 2011: Predisaster Hazard Mitigation Act of 2010
- January 4, 2011: GPRA Modernization Act of 2010
- January 4, 2011: FDA Food Safety Modernization Act
- January 4, 2011: America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010
- January 4, 2011: Diesel Emissions Reduction Act of 2010
- January 4, 2011: Supportive Housing for the Elderly Act of 2010
- January 4, 2011 :Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act of 2010
- January 4, 2011: Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2010
- January 4, 2011: Anti-Border Corruption Act of 2010
- January 4, 2011: Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2010
- January 4, 2011: Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act
- September 29, 2010: Treaty with the United Kingdom Concerning Defense Trade Cooperation
- September 29, 2010: Treaty with Australia Concerning Defense Trade Cooperation
- September 29, 2010: Hague Convention on International Recovery of Child Support and Family Maintenance
- December 22, 2010: New START
- February 23, 2011: Obama declared the Defense of Marriage act unconstitutional and will no longer be defending the cases in the 1st and 2nd circuits.
There are two more sites listing President Obama's accomplishments that should not be missed:
▶ To Those Who Consder President Obama a Disappointment, You're Just Not Paying Attention ~ by Milt Shook at The PCTC Blog
This one's language is a wee bit confrontational, primarily because it was borne of the frustration of having to remind fellow Democrats that they didn't elect a "capitulator" or a "do-nothing" president. Some days I feel his frustration equally. Look past the tone and take note, once again, of the sheer volume and scope of what was accomplished. This site provides links to supporting documentation or articles regarding each piece of legislation.
▶ Obama Achievement Center ~ A Crowd-Sourced Compilation
This site is chock full of an unbelievable volume of achievements of President Obama over the course of his first 2 1/2 years in office, neatly organized and categorized. It's truly a thing of beauty and wonder and an absolute Must Read.
▶ The primary source for the above chronological list: Acts of the 111th United States Congress at Wikipedia
*The CALM Act: Silly, I know, but this is one of my favorite ones. My ears and my nerves thank Congress and President Obama for this one.
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Did I miss it, Obama made BP pony up 20 billion.